Skyrocket Your Email List Growth

Say goodbye to lost leads! Your traditional optin forms can drive away up to 72% of potential subscribers. LeadPal transforms your approach, offering a seamless one-click opt-in that dramatically boosts your opt-in rates. Experience the difference and watch your email list flourish.

7-days free trial

Collect verified social leads…

Use LeadPal to create smart lead generation campaigns that allow 1-click optin of verified email leads in just 60 seconds or less.

Grow your email lists by collecting verified emails with social opt-in links from platforms like Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter (X), Amazon, Google, Yahoo, and Linkedin. This eliminates the collection of fake and unverified emails.

Discover the Truth Behind Your Leads

It’s a Fact!

88% of customers fib on sign-up forms

But with LeadPal, honesty is just a click away

“Ever faced the frustration of fake sign-ups?”

With users opting in through their existing social profiles via LeadPal, welcome to a world of genuine data. No typing, no fakes—just pure, verified leads. Social networks do the vetting, we do the connecting.


Why stick to the old when you can lead with LeadPal's one-click wonder? Popular sites are doing it; it's time your lead collection did too.

It Only Took 60 Seconds, No Design Or Coding Skills Required

Embed LeadPal anywhere on your website


Reward subscribers for more leads

With LeadPal you can reward your subscribers by asking them to refer others to unlock your lead magnet.


Make your link Go Viral

By allowing your subscribers to share your link to unlock a reward. This feature alone 20Xed our optin rate – with 0% additional  promotional costs


Require optin for any content

With LeadPal you can require an opt-in to access ANY content that you choose. This could be a lead magnet, an article, a video, or a landing page.


Reminder system built-in

Sometimes it takes seeing something a few times before a person will take action, and that’s why LeadPal includes an automatic reminder system that will follow up with visitors automatically to boost your opt-ins and increase your results.

Boost the quality of the leads you collect


Intuitive software that uses advanced modern technology to detect where someone is currently signed in so it displays that social icon first


Create leadpages with 1-click opt-in for more verified leads


Most users are constantly logged in on Facebook or Google, etc.. So they will need just one click to sign up to your list.


Eliminates false identities: Because social networks authenticate individuals and generally don’t allow multiple accounts, the likelihood of false identities goes down.


You can run ads or promotions to your LeadPal opt-in link directly


A large percentage of visitors turn away when they have to fill a form to optin to your offer... With LeadPal you get 72% more optin rate.


Integrates and Syncs with all major email marketing software tools


Rapid signup/user adoption: People won’t need to type a thing, they’ll simply grant you access to their existing credentials.


LeadPal shows social opt-in buttons that the user is currently logged into so you always get the BEST, verified email address added to your list


You can even add LeadPal to any website or blog and LeadPal will send out automatic reminders boosting your opt-ins on autopilot

Join small and large teams that are using LeadPal to collect leads

Rouville Fisher – Digital Marketer

Prasanna Shetty – Shopping Kattaa

Home School & Humor

LeadPal Is The #1 Social Lead Generation Software With Viral Lead Generation Builtin.

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Made with ❤️ in Atlanta

All rights © LeadPal

Made with ❤️ in Atlanta


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